The February Social Media Cheat Sheet offers sample Twitter and Facebook posts related to three valuable documents from last month. You can review the corresponding document by searching in Broker Briefcase for the document ID found at the end of the headlines below and provide it to anyone who interacts with your post.While we have crafted each post to grab readers' attention and direct them to you for guidance, you can adjust each post to more closely fit your brokerage or clientele.Now Available: Loss Control Guide for Restaurants (185204)The restaurant industry can be unforgiving, and it's a challenge for owners to deliver exceptional food and service, maintain a customer base, and ensure a safe and healthy environment. Ask KRGinsure about our new loss control guide, which can help you manage your exposures.Common Exposures for Hotel Operators (185473)Hotel operators have to manage numerous exposures related to lodging, and many offer amenities‚-including pools, exercise facilities, bars and restaurants‚-that can dramatically increase the number of insurable risks. Ask KRGinsure for an overview of these exposures, which can help you identify potential blind spots in your risk management and insurance programs.Product Liability Concerns in the Cannabis Industry (183815)Whether you’re a wholesale grower or a retailer, there are a variety of product liability concerns to consider in the cannabis industry. Edibles, vaporizers, pesticides, breaches of warranty, misrepresentation, label claims and deceptive practices all present a real risk of litigation, even for a cautious business. Contact KRG Insure today to learn how to protect your business.
Social Media Cheat Sheet
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